projects portfolio
BookWarehouse 🇺🇸
BookWareHouse is an e-store located in Delaware, USA, offering bundled deals on selected collections of eBooks in EPUB, PDF, Audiobook and Kindle formats.
Alberto y Carlo 🇮🇹
Web project promoting the cause of beatification of the young Italians Alberto Michelotti and Carlo Grisolia, presenting audiovisual material and testimonies of people close to them.
Oh Cool! 🇨🇦
Oh Cool is a marketing agency serving the Greater Toronto Area, Canada, specialising in growth strategies for businesses of all types.
Eyes To The Front 🇨🇦
Eyes To The Front is a record label based in Toronto, Canada, specialising in the promotion of independent electronic music artists from around the world.
Naler 🇦🇷
Naler is a company that offers installation and maintenance services of industrial refrigeration equipment, located in the city of Salto, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
BookBusterDeals 🇺🇸
BookBusterDeals, sister brand of BookWareHouse, is an e-store based in Delaware City, USA, offering selected collections of eBooks in EPUB, PDF and Kindle format.
Pilares Salud Mental 🇦🇷
Pilares Salud Mental is a day centre specialised in psychology, psychiatry and day care services, located in the city of Salto, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Escuela N°2 Salto 🇦🇷
Institutional web project for the Public Primary and Secondary School N°2 in the city of Salto, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Bottillo, Di Carlo y Asociados 🇦🇷
Bottillo, Di Carlo y Asociados is a law firm with operations in the city of Salto, Buenos Aires, and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina.